Fast, simple & secure global payments

Enjoy straightforward, transparent global money transfers at the swipe of a screen and click of a button – no hidden charges, ever!

Convert, hold and transfer 38 currencies

Commission-free, no FX mark-up - no matter the currency, no matter where you are.

Go global - Send to over 200 countries *

Between Sokin wallet users you can send money instantly, anytime or place.

Save big! 51% cheaper on global transfers**

Want more? Go Premium to get unlimited transfers for a fixed monthly fee.

Spend abroad for less

Access 38 currencies

Wherever you are in the world spend with the tap of your card without the fear of unknown costs.

Card available for free

Free with a Premium account, or for a small fee on our basic account.

Stay in control

Lock your card quick and easily via the Sokin App. Find it? Just unlock!

Your free multi-currency account

Sokin is free to all users. Our promise is to reduce the barriers for individuals to move money around the world at ease and with speed, without the fear of unknown costs.

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Discover the future of global payments

With over 125k users already, we’re excited to launch the next phase of our global payments app. Join the waiting list and stay tuned for the new app release.